In late May on the season finale of the third season of The Flavor of Love 3, it was revealed that the WINNER......lost... technically speaking. Flavor Flav revealed that rather than embarking on a new and unknown future with a woman whom he liked alot, that he would rather continue the growth of an existing relationship with a woman whom he's definately got experience (Karma- his son) with. Not only did he decide he would continue the former relationship, he would finalize the agreement with nuptials. He proposed to his "baby mama" on the show in front of an audience, who thought they would be witnessing the unveiling of his newfound love with the contest winner.
In order to preserve the outcome of the contest, all parties involved, employees and contestants alike are swarn to secrecy and upon completion. The winner and Flav are barred from seeing each other, for several months while the edited contest plays back on television, again, in order to preserve the outcome of the competition. Could it be that this was the plan the entire time?
Do another season for Vh1, thus making them stacks of money as the ratings darling you are, and then cash out, and live happily ever after with the mother of his seventh child? Could this very well, be at least partially the reason for the demise of the relationship of Flavor Flav and Deelishish (London Charles) from Flavor of Love 2?
By the time of the taping of the Flavor of Love 3 Reunion Show, it had been 6 months since Flavor Flav and Thing 2 (Latresha) had seen each other. Yet, Thing 2 didn't seem the least bit surprised or saddened, by the breaking news that she would not be Flavor Flav's new main squeeze. For someone who cried after she was initially eliminated, this seems odd. Of course one could say those tears were faked for television, but who knows. Even if she'd been told prior to the recording, it seems strange, unless perhaps she was informed 6 months prior. AHA! You never know. That's too bad for her, though, if her feelings were indeed geuine, winning a competition where the grand prize was revoked--- due to circumstances. All of that heavy petting with FLAVOR FLAV and not even a consolation prize!!!
That's like enduring grueling conditions on Survivor, only to be told at the end, "Well... we decided to give your million to this other person who we really like alot and... they deserve it." WTF!!!
With that said, this type of thing happens all of the time, in the real world, so personally, I was not particulary shocked. People abandon present relationships for past ones all of the time--- they go back to the baby's mother/father, the ex- boyfriend/girlfriend, the ex-wife/husband.... or other merely some other person who's come before you is some sort of way. The real issue is what to do what to do when this happens to you.
You've put your feelings on your sleeve, your heart on the line, you've made yourself vulnerable, all because you believed in the other person's love and desire for you, you thought that they felt the same, only to find that they had other things in mind. Love is sometimes complicated like that, hell, like is sometimes even complicated. You can't even like someone without making some sort of commitment. Go out on a date with some one and tell them that you're dating someone else, at least 6 times out of 10, they won't want to go out with you anymore. Some even act like a jilted lover, if you tell them you're dating other people. Alot of people want exclusivity up front, not competition. They don't want to have to win you over or earn your love, or to have to prove their love and desire. They want Instant gratification, like spoiled little brats.

In any case, a person who abruptly exits a relationship, as much as you may not want to see it, was not really into the relationship the way you though they were in the first place, otherwise they probably wouldn't have felt the need to escape. Their mouth may say "YES!", and their body may say "HELL YES!", but their mind might be saying, "WELL.....OKAY... I GUESS SO, BUT..."
No one tells the truth. No one says "I love you... but I also really like this other person." The really sad thing is, you CAN'T tell the truth. If someone says openly and honestly to a person, "I love you...but--" just from the "but" the other person is already mad, and dashing out the door, it almost doesn't matter what comes after the but. No one is willing to see if you can move past the "but" or remove it totally. Just the mere fact that you said it, is a deal breaker.
Can you truly be confused and upset, if your lover, who's been in love (allegedly) before, expresses that they might still have feelings for the one before you? Upset, maybe, but it is NOT unfathomable.

That's the chance you take when you gamble on love, like, or even lust. You never know what your odds are. You could hit the jackpot or crap out.
So, it's no wonder why people abruptly leave present relationships for past ones, not at all saying that it is right, but it is understandable. Exiting a relationship can be like removing a band-aid. You can knowingly pull it off slowly, still painfully ripping off a thin layer of healed skin and possibly some hairs or snatch it off fast and and still rip off a thin layer of healed skin and some hairs. Either way it hurts.
Unfortunately being in a relationship is a gamble that people take in the hope that they'll strike rich in the love jackpot. But of course, someone has to lose. If someone is so quick to leave you for a past love, then you're probably better off, because they may have never fully loved you, in the first place.
In the end you're better off without the band-aid. Then you can let the wound heal on it's own. Sometimes it takes a while and leaves scars but you'll be fine.
....and I'm spent!
Blogosaurus Rex has spoken!!!
E. Dizzle