Tuesday, February 16, 2010
People are always looking for ways to let people down easy in relationships. There is no easy way to let someone down. If they are behaving like they are into you, yet you discover that YOU are not into THEM, there is no easy way out. You just have to get out the kindest and least hurtful way that you can, but the reality is, it's gonna hurt-- even just a little. If the person cares for you in even the slightest way, there's gonna be some hurt. Sorry, there's pretty much no way to get around it. The only way you get around the hurt is if that person wasn't really into YOU either. I think that's what contributes to so many disfunctional relationships and bitter people. They were screwed in a relationship, because someone " didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. It's 2010 now! Hell, even if it was 3010 (should humans make it that far) people need to face reality, rejection hurts... Unless you didn't really want it in the first place.