Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Will cook for a man.... or NOT

It's been like 10 months since my last blog!???!  I guess I lost my touch.

I saw someone say... well I read someone's comment on one of the various social mediums I use that read "Ladies LEARN HOW TO COOK... The way to a man's heart is sometimes through his stomach."

First off,  shout out to the guy who wrote that, for even bothering to say that it's 'sometimes' through his stomach, because for years, I have always heard people just say the way IS through his stomach... NOT  sometime, NOT 'may be,' NOT 'could be,'  just IS. 

Basically: You will never get a man unless you cook for him.


Maybe not

I could care less about the saying, I just started pondering, what if that isn't your goal. That isn't your end game, to land a man. I think I'm in the minority, aside from my lesbian friends, of females who are not in search of a man.  But this very saying will prevent it from happening for me anyway.  I don't volunteer to cook for ANYONE, EVER, and I'm definitely not going to cook for you unless I like you.   I don't cook for people to get them to like me. You don't like me, so what, I don't care.   That just isn't something I do.    If that keeps me single, well then that's the way it's supposed to be. 


Future Spinster

(my meals will be prepared  FOR me in the old folks home)

Saturday, January 05, 2013


Exaggeration has seemed to become a thing of normalcy.  We exaggerate everything, LOL... I'm not even laughing... at all... SEE.  I think 2013, should be the year where we bring that to a hault. 

Stop saying your LOL, when you're NOT.
Stop saying everything is epic, "thee most blah blah blah...," amazing (what the hell is amaze-balls by the way?!)....It's really NOT
The only time it's that... is if you don't use that phrase to describe EVERYTHING else nincompoop.

Go get a dictionary...thesaurus... THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT... there's several and broaden your adjective vocabulary, because it is EPICALLY, THEE MOST AMAZINGLY  annoying thing  to hear you say, REPEATEDLY... seriously...we mimic you when you're not around... and giggle.