Everybody loves a quickie!!!
Well, I
don't know really, but a lot of people do. It satisfies sexual urges—the
primal need for immediate sexual gratification or release, if you know
what I mean. It can be especially rewarding
during those required quick episodes that are high on adrenaline—you
know the ones where there's an element of surprise or the suspense of
being caught.
But, when it comes right down to it, exactly HOW MUCH time do you need to GET OFF?
Most men, well alot of them at least, generally don't need much to be satisfied. The sack fills up, the blood rushes to the head. They
get their pressure and friction on with the one-armed handcrank, or a
mouth, vagina, anus, pie, or whatever and WALLAH!!!!---Happy ending. And yeah, it may not be so simple for all guys, but a lot of them. Women, on the other hand are a little more complicated. I'm not talking about your above average porn star, who can come on cue and squirt and the whole nine; I'm talking about your everyday woman. It's not like a woman gets aroused, and all she has to do is tweak her nipples a couple of times and ---Ohhhhh!!!! ...Niagara Falls!!! NOT!!!!!
like that only happens in those hilariously corny soft core porn, with
the saxophone and keyboard synthesizer demo music, late at night on
Skinem….er…Cinemax or HBO or whatever other premium movie channels you
However, some people are marathon lovers. It's
not just a sex act, it's a production, complete with fireworks
(figuratively speaking) and possibly an encore or two…or three..
A friend of mine asked me, what is up with the "all night long" thing? I believe his exact words were: "What is the real meaning of the term ALL NIGHT LONG" ya'll bammas know good and well that even the poonany needs a break here and there. all night long... man I tell ya... LOL"
I guess he wants to know why women expect a man to do like the
energizer bunny and keep going and going and going, all night long, in
the bedroom.
Man-friend, you're right! Poonany DOES need a break sometimes, but not just for the sake of having one—for specific reasons. It
CAME, it saw, and was conquered and needs to recover, or something
happened to fuck up the mood---a pious relative walking in on you or the
prophylactic breaks. Maybe the love boat has run it's course, you know---the ship has sailed and the thrill is gone, the well has run dry,
"You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." -Joni Mitchell never lied.
Note to Fellas: Sometimes
you can work through the rough spot (maybe you have the fan on and poor
puss is cold or something), and if you work it right, the waterworks
might start working again. But if it doesn't---STOP!!!! Do not pass go, do not collect $200. S-T-O-P, STOP!!!!!! That shit hurts!!!!! The screams don't mean that you're killing the cat figuratively; they mean you're killing the cat LITERALLY.
And, NO SPITTING!!! I saw this on a porn once. EWWW!!! You
gotta know that saliva mixes in, during the oral experience, but
outright HACKING on someone is fucking disgusting and disrespectful, and
even worst when you're naked. Plus, it could get you kicked in the face, just from auto-reflex. DON'T DO THAT!!!
Back to the message: Poonany does need a break, sometimes. But poonany, usually doesn't need as much time to recover as the dick. Remember WE don't have to get hard. Our stimulation is as much mental as it is physical. If you talk right or touch right, we could possibly be juiced up in a matter of and hour, minutes, or moments.
I polled about 46 women I know, who are Latina, African- American, White, African, Italian, mixed heritage. They're from D.C., Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Boston, Texas, The Carolinas, Florida, Chicago, Kentucky, California, Brazil, and Michigan----so you cannot just put it on where there from. They are between the ages of 22 and 35, some have children and some don't. Out
of those 46 women, only 18 said that they needed to have it all night
long, 12 said they only needed anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or
so. The others said it pretty much depended on a case by case scenario.
Based on their responses, to answer the question: I don't think it's so much that women have to have sex all night long, some women just enjoy continuous stimulations.
PUMP, PUMP, SWIVEL, just ain't gonna cut it. You,
with your swollen head and heavy balls, all you have to do is thrust
and release, with an enclosed hand, mouth, vagina, butt, blow-up-Betty
doll, whatever you're into…then your dick is like a super hero, it goes back to it's lair, until the next episode. Women don't have just the one specific thing that they need stimulated, in order to orgasm or in laymen's terms bust a nut, and everyone is different.
In all seriousness, as much you would like to claim you hit it and know it so well, you may not EVER hit the "G-spot!!!" That is, if you, male or female, even believe it exists. In either case, you might or you might not, but it's a gamble. But,
trust and believe that there are far more places on a woman's body that
you have to stimulate, in order to coax a woman to satisfaction. Plus a lot of women enjoy the intimacy, the touching, the kissing, the massaging;
even the ass smacking, hair pulling, and dirty talking.
So, I don't know these women are who my friend is dating, demanding to have sex all night long. Granted,
there are women who want to have sex all night long, most of the women
who I spoke with who desired this said that it wasn't just sex that they
wanted all night, but fun and stimulation---oral sex, kissing,
massaging, toy playing, and repeated acts. They want a full sexual experience, not just a sex act.
Another thing: If you find that you partner always wants more at the end, maybe that means they have a voracious appetite or you left your mission incomplete.
NOTE TO FELLAS: Remember. Just because you busted a nut, it doesn't mean we did.
I will repeat myself that communication is the key. Not saying that you have to bark out commands, 'cause that's a mood breaker. But, you and your partner should know what kind of festivities should be expected in the bed, prior to getting in to the bed. If
your partner is vanilla and only likes an in-out missionary motion,
don't expect heated massage oils, ticklers and butt plugs in the
bedroom, DUH! And vice versa. If you knew all of this before hand, then you wouldn't be shocked when you partner is ready for more, or not ready for more.
need to stop playing coy and be realistic about what and how they want
it, if they really want to be satisfied in the bedroom. If you're not comfortable enough to express this with that person, then maybe you should not be fucking them.
So, the moral of this story, EVERYONE isn't demanding sex all night long. SOME people are, and maybe even a lot sometimes. But, if both people are willing to give their partners what they need in order to "get off," well then maybe they will. 
...and I'm spent.
Blogosaurus Rex
Ms. Kane if you're nasty!!!