You're at the job that you aimed for, making the money that you desired, living the life that you planned.
How many of you just work, because it's necessary for survival?
How many of you don't have a job, yet you're getting by?
You must have some means going for you or you'd probably not be on the internet reading this bullshit, nonetheless...
What does this all mean?
As a child, most people, well some people, grow up seeing the adults in their life going to work. That's usually how you're being taken care of. So, naturally when you grow up---if you move out on your own---you'll probably have to get some sort of job to cover your living expenses. This is what adults do, right? They have to, right?
They run the world.
They drive the buses, run the subway trains, build stuff, police, teach, sweep, wash, dust, type, deliver the mail, stock the shelves, fix the cars, cook and sell the food, fly the plane, secure the office building, take the orders, answer the phones, write the stories, operate the camera, walk the dogs, keep the babies, guard the pool, cut and style the hair, run the cash register....
In short, they work.
They're doing what you're required to do, right?---in order to function in life.
End of story, right?
Why is it, then, that there is such a judgement placed on what type of job one does?
When you see acquaintances or associates or whatever, whom you do not see on a regular basis, why are they always so interested in, "What are you doing now?"
I see you for the first time in 10 years and all you can say is, "What are you doing now????"
What the fuck do you think I'm doing? I'm a fucking adult now, just like you. What the fuck are you doing? The same thing, right? I mean, it's not like you happened upon me rifling through a garbage can, wearing a barrel with suspenders, down on skid row. Why ask that question? I find it a tad nosey, especially if its a short encounter and we're not even talking about work.
I'll tell you what it is: Judgement
People ask, what you're doing so that they can judge you based on what your answer is.
I once told someone, what I did, and they gave me the embarassed/pity look.
I, especially, am not fond of, repeat offenders. They are those people you see occasionally, who ask you the same question, "What are you doing now?", every time that they see you. I just saw you on Memorial Day, it's the 4th of July---WHAT do you think I'm doing, switching jobs every holiday?
The repeat offenders, are often the ones who do suddenly recall what you do, with a little bit of cynicism in their voice.
"Oh, yeah, you're still at the Auto Place?" As, if they had given you some sort of timetable to remove yourself from that position.
I hate pry-ers anyway. You see me on the street and you want the quickest way into my business. That's why I am as vague as possible when I answer questions from them. You should see the look on people's faces when they give the "What are you doing now?"
The Pry-er: Hey!!
Me: Hey. How are you doing?
The Pry-er: Fine. What are you doing, now?
Me: (Thinking: Work... What the fuck do you think, dumb ass?) Oh, just working. How's everything going?
I never ask that question. In general passing by conversations. I don't like to intrude. I figure-- if you really want me to know, you'd have told me. Otherwise we can go on with lives, as usual, even for another 10 years. Looks like you've got your health, so all of that other stuff, I couldn't care less about. Unless, it's specific. Like, I get a glimpse of a badge under a jacket. "Hey, you're with the police now?" But even then, still might not ask. Maybe I wasn't supposed to see that. ---If a person wants you to know, they'll tell you.
What are you doing now?
I hate that shit. If that's all you want to know, don't even bother to speak to me. You're feelings are going to get hurt, when I say, "Work, bitch!" Then give you thw What the fuck face.
Just because I don't do what you think I should be doing for a living, it doesn't make me less of a person. And, it doesn't give you the right to judge me. What's wrong with people? Why do they do that? This is why people would rather collect government assistance; and rob, cheat and steal than work at Mc'Donalds. 'Cause you're uppity ass will look down on them. But if there wasn't someone standing behind these counters how would you get your Mc'Griddle or your light caramel macciato or your dry cleaning, or you tictacs and tv guide. Then what would your dumb ass do then? There's all sorts of jobs out there, and somebody's got to do it.
So, here's a tip. You see an acquaintance or an associate you haven't seen in a while. Try keeping the conversation light. "Hey, How ya doing? How's everything going? Seen any of the old gang? What brings you to this area? " Hell, if you keep it simple---the answer your nosey ass wants just might pop up, by default. "Oh, I work across the street. I'm an accountant."
'Cause, I'm telling you that long "Heeeey! What are you doing now?" is a little bit intrusive and off-putting. It says, I hardly even know you. I just walked up to you and all in I'm in your business---You can't be demanding information up front. I don't hang out with or really know you like that anymore--you could be trying to rob me. Some people will just give the information up willy-nilly. But really, it's kind of rude.
Maybe I don't want you to know what I'm doing. Maybe I can't tell you what I'm doing, or I'll have to kill you.
Just for being nosey and judgmental....
...and I'm spent.
Ms. Kane if you're nasty.